Zillow Clone - Create a Real Estate App to Buy, Sell, and Rent Properties Easily

Enter the next level of the real estate marketplace with our Zillow Clone Script, you can unlock the potential of seamless real estate exploration & transactions.

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Zillow Clone Script 

Zillow Clone Script is a ready-made package of source code with all the features and functionalities of Zillow that enables one to easily start a Real estate business by developing a Real estate app like Zillow. By collaborating with highly experienced developers like Appticz, you can customise the Zillow Clone Script  to create a Zillow Clone Website and app

Embark on your real estate journey with a feature-rich Zillow clone app script. Secure a customizable and scalable real estate application that's perfectly tailored for startups, closely mirroring the success of Zillow.

Zillow Clone App 

Zillow Clone App is a pre-built solution packed with a suite of advanced features and add-ons that help you develop your real estate online marketplace like Zillow. It makes it easier for users, agents, and brokers to list, buy, sell, and rent real estate properties. Satisfying all your user needs with its diverse features helps in better customer retention and engagement. 

Are you planning to develop your own real estate app like Zillow? But worried about the development cost? Then go for the Zillow Clone App integrated with new-gen features. It not only breathes life into your real estate business idea but also helps you serve millions in renting, buying, and selling properties across the world. 

Want to know how it works? Get our Zillow clone Demo

Zillow Clone - Create a Real Estate Application Like Zillow 

Creating a real estate application akin to Zillow involves the development of a comprehensive platform that seamlessly connects property seekers and listers. The Zillow clone, designed with user-friendly features, begins with a robust guest panel where users can explore property listings through advanced search filters, interactive maps, and detailed property information. The application encourages user engagement by offering a favorites list, email alerts for personalized updates, and a mortgage calculator for financial insights. To enhance the experience, social media integration allows easy sharing of favorite listings. 

For property listers and agents, the agent panel provides a suite of tools for efficient property management. This includes features for listing creation, lead management, communication with potential buyers, and analytics tools for market insights. Agents can leverage promotional tools, such as featured listings and sponsored placements, to increase visibility. The application ensures seamless communication through a centralized platform and facilitates appointment scheduling for property viewings. Mobile accessibility for agents on the go is a crucial element, ensuring real-time updates and responsiveness.

Top Features of the Zillow Clone App 

Embark on a revolutionary real estate journey with the Zillow Clone App, a cutting-edge platform that redefines the way users engage with property listings. This app boasts a plethora of top-tier Zillow clone features designed to provide an immersive, user-friendly, and globally accessible experience.

Virtual Tours 

Elevate property exploration to new heights with immersive virtual tours. Users can virtually stroll through homes, gaining an in-depth understanding of spaces before deciding to visit physically.

Multiple Languages 

Breaking down language barriers, the app supports multiple languages, ensuring that users from diverse linguistic backgrounds can effortlessly navigate and engage with the platform.

Geo-based Search

Empower users with pinpoint accuracy in property searches through a sophisticated geo-based search feature. Find properties based on specific locations, neighborhoods, or regions with ease.

Never Ending Listings 

Dive into an ever-expanding database of property listings. The app ensures a constant influx of new options, providing users with an extensive array of choices that seem virtually limitless.

Ratings and Reviews 

The app incorporates a robust ratings and reviews system, allowing users to glean valuable information from the experiences of others.

Property Details 

From high-resolution images to pricing and contact details, every listing offers a rich array of information for users to explore.

Advanced Search Filters 

Refine results based on specific criteria such as price range, property type, amenities, and more, ensuring a personalized and efficient search experience.

360° View

Immerse yourself in a property like never before with the 360° view feature. Explore every nook and cranny, getting a holistic view of the space from the comfort of your device.

Admin Dashboard 

Manage listings, resolve issues, and oversee the platform's performance seamlessly, ensuring a well-regulated and efficient user experience.

Social Media Login 

Simplify onboarding with the convenience of social media login. Users can swiftly access the app using their social media credentials, streamlining the registration process.

In-App Payment 

Seamlessly transition from browsing to purchasing with the in-app payment system. Users can complete transactions securely within the app, streamlining the property acquisition process.


View property prices in the user's preferred currency, eliminating confusion and enhancing the accessibility of the app worldwide.

How Does Zillow Clone Script Work? 

A Zillow clone script functions as the backbone of a real estate application designed to replicate the features and functionalities of Zillow. Here's a breakdown of how a Zillow clone script typically works:

1. User Registration and Profiles

Users start by creating accounts on the platform. The registration process collects essential information and establishes user profiles.

2. Property Listings

Property owners, whether individual sellers or real estate agents, can list their properties on the platform. The clone script facilitates the input of detailed property information, including specifications, images, pricing, and contact details.

3. Search and Filters

The script incorporates a robust search engine with various filters. Users can search for properties based on criteria such as location, price range, property type, number of bedrooms, and more.

4. Map Integration

Maps are integrated to provide users with a visual representation of property locations. This feature helps users explore neighborhoods, and nearby amenities, and get a sense of the property's surroundings.

5. User Reviews and Ratings

The clone script includes a system for user reviews and ratings. After interacting with a property or agent, users can share their experiences and rate the property or service. 

6. Notifications

The script employs a notification system to keep users informed about relevant updates. Users receive notifications for new listings, price drops, messages from other users, and other relevant activities.

7. Mortgage Calculator

A built-in mortgage calculator is included, allowing users to estimate their mortgage payments based on property prices and other financial factors. This tool enhances the user experience by providing valuable financial insights.

8. Communication Platform

The script facilitates communication between property seekers and listers. Users can inquire about properties, negotiate prices, and discuss details through a messaging system within the application.

9. Admin Panel

The script includes a secure admin panel for platform administrators. This panel allows for the management of listings, and user accounts, resolving disputes, and overall supervision of the platform.

10. Responsive Design

The script is designed with a responsive layout to ensure a seamless user experience across various devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

Features of Zillow Clone Script

Guest Panel 

1. Location-based Search 

2. Interactive Maps

3. Mortgage Calculator 

4. Property Details 

5. Easy Registration 

6. Favorites List 

7. Push Notifications 

8. Social Media Integration

9. User-friendly Interface 

10. Ratings and Reviews 

11. Neighbourhood Analysis 

12. Property Listers Info 

Agent Panel 

1. Property Listing Management 

2. Lead Management 

3. In-App Chat 

4. Document Management 

5. Appointment Scheduling 

6. Review and Rating Responses 

7. Commission Tracking 

8. Robust Agent Dashboard 

9. Notification Alerts 

10. Analytics Dashboard

Admin Panel 

1. User Account Management 

2. Listing Oversight 

3. Security Control 

4. Notification Management 

5. Content Management 

6. Commission Management 

7. Feedback Analysis 

8. Mobile Accessibility

9. Customer Support Management 

10. Currency Converter 

11. Add/Edit/Remove Subscription Packages 

12. Earning Management 

Benefits of Zillow Clone Script 

The Zillow Clone Script stands out as a versatile and budget-friendly solution, offering a host of benefits to venture into the real estate market. Here's a closer look at the advantages it brings to the table.


By opting for a clone script, businesses can significantly reduce development costs compared to building a real estate platform from scratch. This allows entrepreneurs to allocate resources strategically and focus on other aspects of their business.

Global Accessibility 

Supporting multiple languages and incorporating features like multi-currency support, it ensures that the platform is accessible and user-friendly for a diverse range of users around the world. This broad reach can be a significant advantage for businesses looking to tap into international markets.

Proven Business Model 

Leveraging the proven business model of Zillow, the clone script comes with a built-in blueprint for success. Zillow's success story serves as a testament to the viability and profitability of the real estate platform, providing a reliable foundation for businesses adopting the clone script.


While the Zillow Clone Script inherits the successful features of its inspiration, it also allows for customization to align with the unique brand identity of the business. This flexibility enables businesses to tailor the platform to their specific needs, ensuring a distinctive and memorable user experience.

Post-Launch Maintenance 

Beyond the initial development phase, the Zillow Clone Script comes with the benefit of post-launch maintenance and support. This ongoing assistance ensures that the platform remains up-to-date, secure, and responsive to evolving user needs. 

Cross-Device Compatibility 

The Zillow Clone Script embraces cross-device compatibility. Whether users are accessing the platform from desktops, tablets, or smartphones, the responsive design ensures a seamless and consistent user experience.

Our Zillow Clone Package Offers

1. 100% Source Code 

2. Server Setup 

3. Web Panel 

4. Android App 

5. iOS App 

6. Readymade Script 

Why Choose Appticz For Rental App Development?

Appticz is a top mobile app development company that stands out as a premier choice for real estate app development. From project initiation to completion, our clients are kept informed at every step. Our development process is inherently client-oriented, where we prioritize understanding your unique requirements, goals, and expectations. We offer white-label solutions for rental app development, providing a ready-made framework that can be customized to align with your brand. 

Our expertise allows us to offer pre-built modules and frameworks that can be swiftly integrated, reducing development time and accelerating the launch of your rental app. With a focus on on-time delivery, white-label options, and ready-to-launch solutions, Appticz stands as a reliable ally on your journey to rental app success.


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